Northern Pullers


We are a group of tractor pulling enthusiasts who enjoy spending a few weekends each summer letting our tractors do what they were made for.

We have pulls from Roseau, MN to New York Mills, MN and from New Rockford, ND to McIntosh, MN.

Please come and watch or if you have a tractor of your own there is probably a weight class it will fit in.  They start in farm stock 3000 and go all the way to Hot Stock 9500.  See the rules page if you have questions.  If you would like to participate in the pull please arrive an hour before the scheduled start time to get registered.  If you would like to preregister you can email us at

Click the link on the top of the page to view the schedule.

We will now be doing pull registration in the Northern Pullers van.  The van will be parked alongside the track to make it easier to get registered before each pull.


Welcome to the northern pullers web site

Spring is here again and we are happy to announce that the pull schedule has been posted on the Schedule page. 

We have a practice day scheduled for May 18th in East Grand Forks, MN if you want to bring your tractors out and see how they do before the pulling season starts in Climax, MN on June 1st.

We look forward to seeing all the pullers and spectators again this summer.

Please email or contact one of the officers if you have any questions.